The Canada HealthTech Symposium 2024 promises to be a trailblazing event in the evolution of healthcare technology, focusing on the intersection between health and technology. This year, the symposium will delve into the challenges and opportunities presented by the rapid digitalization of healthcare, emphasizing how these advancements can be utilized to create a more efficient, equitable, and sustainable healthcare system.

A key feature of the symposium will be its exploration of the ethical dimensions of health technology. As AI, big data, and other digital tools become more ingrained in healthcare, the symposium will address the ethical implications of these technologies, particularly in terms of patient privacy, data security, and the potential for bias in AI-driven decision-making. Attendees will engage in thought-provoking discussions on how to balance innovation with ethical responsibility, ensuring that technological advancements benefit all patients without compromising their rights.

The symposium will also highlight the role of public policy in shaping the future of healthcare technology. Policymakers, healthcare providers, and tech innovators will come together to discuss how regulations and policies can support the integration of new technologies while safeguarding public health. This collaborative approach is essential for creating a regulatory framework that fosters innovation while ensuring patient safety and maintaining public trust.

Highlights of the Canada HealthTech Symposium 2024

Exploring Digitalization, Ethics, and Global Impact in Healthcare Technology

  • The symposium will be a pioneering event focused on the evolution of healthcare technology.
  • It will address the challenges and opportunities arising from the rapid digitalization of healthcare
  • A significant focus will be on the ethical implications of health technology.
  • Discussions will center on balancing technological advancements with ethical responsibilities.
  • The symposium will examine how public policies and regulations can support the integration of new technologies.
  • Policymakers, healthcare providers, and tech innovators will collaborate to develop a regulatory framework.
  • The event will highlight the global impact of healthcare technology.
  • It aims to foster international partnerships and showcase Canada’s potential in healthtech.
  • The symposium will position Canada as a leader in global health tech by promoting the country’s advancements.

Transforming Care Through AI and Telemedicine

In terms of AI and telemedicine, the symposium will cover a wide range of topics, including wearable health technologies, electronic health records (EHRs), and the integration of big data in healthcare decision-making. Each of these areas has the potential to drastically improve the quality of care provided to patients while also making healthcare systems more efficient and cost-effective. With its comprehensive agenda and diverse lineup of speakers, the Canada HealthTech Symposium 2024 is set to be a landmark event for anyone invested in the future of healthcare.

Delegate Registration

Day 1


(+taxes &fees)

  • Full Access to the Exhibition and Conference for Day 1 only
  • Attend Keynote, Panel Discussions, Presentations, Fireside chat.
  • Network with other partners and attendees.
  • Food and Beverage included (Breakfast, Coffee service, Lunch)
Register Now

Day 2


(+taxes &fees)

  • Full Access to the Exhibition and Conference for Day 2 only
  • Attend Keynote, Panel Discussions, Presentations, Fireside chat.
  • Network with other partners and attendees.
  • Food and Beverage included (Breakfast, Coffee service, Lunch)
Register Now

Both Days

(Day 1 + Day 2)


(+taxes &fees)

  • Full Access to the Exhibition and Conference for Both Days
  • Attend Keynote, Panel Discussions, Presentations, Fireside chat.
  • Network with other partners and attendees.
  • Food and Beverage included (Breakfast, Coffee service, Lunch)
Register Now

14-15 Nov, 2024

Hyatt Regency Calgary, Canada